Jahche Broughton (15) who had previously pleaded guilty to the murder of Scottish woman Karen Aim has taken on a new lawyer and has asked to change his plea before sentencing is given out.
According to Stuff.co.nz
"Legal experts say Broughton's young age he was 14 at the time of the killing could be used as a factor in his plea change application, in that he may not have understood the nature of the charge or a possible defence."Karen's parents are said to be disappointed with the change but Mr Aim still has unanswered questions regarding events surrounding the death of his daughter.
Broughton was said to have been vandalising a school on the night of the murder. A baseball bat used to batter Karen had also been used to smash windows at the school . However, Karen's body was found just metres from her home, well away from the school.
Broughton was said to have hidden the bat at his home and showed it to his mate Leigh Herewini.
Herewini is the 34-year-old security guard who responded to an alarm at the school on the night of the assault.
In a court hearing in Sept of last year Herewini gave evidence that
"the accused had shown him the baseball bat when he had gone to his house about two or three days after Ms Aim was killed.
"It had a lot of dents and bitsmissing off it," Mr Herewini said. "It looked like it had blood on it."
He said the accused had called him on the day Ms Aim was killed and told him he knew who was responsible for the murder.
"He said it was a guy Bryan, a Mongrel Mob prospect from Rotorua."
The accused allegedly said Bryan had hit Ms Aim over the head with a baseball bat and was planning on throwing her into the Waikato River "but there was too much traffic around so he left".
Previous Karen Aim articles: Link
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