Fresh waves of animal exterminations are to be carried out on Rangitoto and Motutapu Islands
Brodifacoum has a half life of 20-130 days and is highly lethal to mammals and birds, and extremely lethal to fish. It is a highly cumulative poison, due to its high lipophilicity and extremely slow elimination. (source Wikipedia) The estimated fatal dose for a man is 15mg and 0.25mg for a dog. Poison baits or carcasses are deadly to dogs.
UPDATE 4 August 2009: A subsequent drop was carried out in the week 9-17 July. 2 dogs have died recently and 30 others are said to be sick after visiting beaches in the Hauraki Gulf Dead fish, dolphins and penguins have been found further north on the beaches in Rodney. See news report Dogs' beach deaths spark warnings. The North Shore beaches involved - Cheltenham and Browns Bay are very close to the two islands.
Interactive map of Cheltenham and Browns Bay beaches
View Larger Map
Rat poison was also dropped on 90 islands and rock stacks in eastern Bay of Islands in June. At the time Friends of the Earth spokesperson Paul Tucker expressed his surprise that tourists were allowed back on the islands within 48 hours of the drops, saying that it was unheard of. See Project song is all go.
Any stoats, wild cats, rabbits and hedgehogs that survive on Rangitoto and Motutapu will be removed later by trapping, shooting and using dogs. New Zealand has no native land mammals other than 2 species of bat, any animals not considered to be indigenous to New Zealand will be removed from the islands to allow for a wildlife sanctuary for kaka, kiwi and takahe.
Blanket eradication of non-native animals is nothing new in New Zealand, which is the world's largest user of Sodium Fluoroacetate - also known as 1080.
The highly contentious and widespread use of 1080 has already caused damage to the country's ecotourism industry and is contrary to the '100% Pure' image so often associated with NZ .
"Poisoning Paradise -- Ecocide in New Zealand"
Hamilton-based film-makers Clyde and Steve Graf made the above documentary in an effort to raise public awareness about the devastating effects 1080 has on New Zealand's fauna, flora and water courses.
It shows falcons and other birds dying, freshwater crayfish fighting over submerged 1080 pellets, deer and pigs rotting in creeks, eels eating dead animals in waterways, dead and dying stock, and weka and bush robins picking at 1080 carcasses and baits.
Scientists, university lecturers, doctors, hunters and farmers highlight their concerns about the impact of 1080 on wildlife populations, the forest ecosystem and human health.
The Graf brothers worked on the film for eight months after seeing a weka picking at a 1080 carcass in Kahurangi National Park."
The brothers estimate that hundreds of dogs, ten thousand deer and thousands of endangered animals are killed by the poison every year. Visit their blog here: Grafboys Blog
For more about the background and the effects of 1080 see other posts on this blog: Toxic 1080 and sites such as and the World Health Organisation's Data Sheet 16 on Sodium Fluoroacetate:
"1.4.4 Unintended Effects:Very toxic to birds, domestic animals and wildlife. High risk of secondary poisoning to carnivorous and omnivorous species from eating poisoned carcasses.
2.3 Toxicity To Non-Mammalian Species:
The entries in these sections are intended to draw attention to
special risks and to give warnings of any needs for special
2.3.1 Fish: fairly low toxicity to fish. No risk from rat baits used
in sewers discharging into natural waters.
2.3.2 Birds: very toxic to birds. Hazard from eating grain baits seems
to be low, but there have been many deaths from eating coyote baits and
from secondary poisoning.
2.3.3 Other species: it is toxic to bees, but there is no hazard under
proper conditions of use. Very toxic to wildlife generally."
New Zealand Aerial 1080 Application
"1080 baits have been used through ground based and aerial application to control possums and other non-native predators in New Zealand. New Zealand's unique fauna and flora is endangered by the rapid spread of possums, introduced into the country last century to create an industry for possum fur.
"A positive side effect of blanket aerial poisoning is a temporary drop in rat numbers, but they quickly recover due to the niche created by low possum numbers. The effectiveness of aerial drops is being questioned due to pockets of possum population either resistant to the compound or not taking the bait with the overall numbers bouncing back rapidly. Ground operations using bait stations with sodium fluoroacetate are not as effective as other modern target poisons such as cyanide baits."
New Zealand's Environment Risk Management Authority (ERMA) released in August 2007 its latest review of the matter. The review gives new guidelines for the use of 1080 in New Zealand and concludes that the beneficial effects of pest eradication outweigh the risks."
Warning signs to be displayed for 6 months
The report stated warning signage must be in place for 6 months after application or until it can be demonstrated that baits and carcases no longer pose a risk to dogs. It also recommended that further research be undertaken in relation to the use and effects of 1080 and into alternatives to 1080 for pest control. Research into the aquatic and soil degradation of 1080 is also called for as present data is "limited."
For today's posts see: latest posts
wow. what an irresponsible post. For the record, New Zealand evolved with out any native mammals (except for bats), so since rats, stoats, hedgehogs, cats, weasels, ferrets arrived - they have taken a gargantuan toll on our precious native wildlife.
ReplyDeleteIn areas where there is no pest control 95% of kiwi chicks are killed!!! When we do pest control, their numbers increase by a huge degree.
1080 - or sodium monoflouracetate is a synthesised version of a naturally occuring chemical found in plants throughout the SOuthern Hemisphere, which have evolved to deter browsing mammals.
the anti-1080 brigade claim all sorts of mistruths and myth - frightening really.
The Department of Conservation have monitored more than 200 kiwi over many 1080 operations - and not a single one has died. compare that with the 95% that die WITHOUT pest control!? we cannot afford to lose our national bird.
Without 1080 or ratbait operations on offshore islands, we would no longer have birds like the beautiful kakapo, the haunting call of the kokako. in New Zealand, we love our native birds, and we will protect them.
For more information - please visit here
When you say "we" do you mean that you are speaking on behalf of DoC?
ReplyDeleteMany other native birds and insects are directly or indirectly poisoned by the aerial distrubution of 1080 - the Morepork (see above) 7 out of 17 Kea were killed by it at Fox Glacier, Kokako numbers reduced from 68 to 50 during baiting at Mapara Forest and countless Weka, Hawk, Weta and Bees have been killed by it.
Stoats normally feed off rats and when rat numbers are reduced by poisoning guess what they feed off next? kiwis. If DoC claims that 95% of kiwi chicks are killed by stoats in uncontrolled areas, why not implement techniques that actually control stoats?
Thank you for your comments. There have been requests for further information on this worthy topic, please see today's blog topic "Farmers against 1080"
Oh for goodness sakes Humans are an introduced species too! is the OP suggesting that we eradicate them for eating the Giant Moa into extinction? We've all got to learn to co-exist and evolve with each other you can't hold NZ in a time capsule.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the answer isn't to turn islands into little more than NZWildlife Theme Parks and charge for admission. Yes, I can see the merit in learning to 'co-exist and evolve', although ridding the country of humans is rather extreme :)
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see so much debate about this issue, hopefully the ERMA will come up with some fresh ideas in a year or two from now and their 'new' controls will do something to alleviate the problem.
In the meantime we're left with an image of New Zealand that is anything BUT Clean, Green and 100% Pure. Something that is quite rightly reflected in the eco-tourism figures.
We'll continue to cover this one.
ReplyDeleteThere's been a lot of good work carried out to increase Brown Kiwi numbers in the Moehau mountains, Coromandel. This has been achieved through trapping predators (stoats) and requiring hunters to have 'kiwi avoidance' training for their dogs before permits are issued - so far over 500 dogs have been put through the course.
I'd like to see some hard figures on how many kiwis are killed by dogs every year, and how many of those dogs belonged to hunters. Perhaps this could be the topic for a future blog.....