"One of the prized polo-cross/rodeo & pony club horses recently killed at Rangipo, (along with 20 sheep) by 1080 poison baits broadcast in an "accidental overfly." The nearby prison water supply was also poisoned in the same operation, which was carried out by EPRO LTD, contracted by Environment Waikato (Waikato Regional Council) on behalf of AHB (Animal Health Board) and sanctioned by the NZ Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA).
The land treated could easily have been treated for possum control by safer alternative methods, ie. trapping and ferratox in bait stations, as it is NOT REMOTE, NOT INNACCESSIBLE, and NOT RUGGED TERRAIN.
It is obvious from the position of the animal, the damage to its leg, the vomited lungs and the distended veins, that this animal died a horrible and cruel death. Deer have been observed to have tried to rip open their own bellies in their agony, and have inflicted similar and worse damage to their bodies while under the effects of 1080. Dogs are driven insane by the excruciating pain inflicted upon them before succombing to a cruel death. Poisoned possums can travel several kms and may take up to 18 hours to die."
"Sodium fluoroacetate (also known as sodium monofluoroacetate, compound 1080 or 1080) is a potent metabolic poison that occurs naturally as an anti-herbivore metabolite in various plants. It works by interfering with the citric acid cycle, and is used primarily to control mammalian pests, including invasive species. The existence of this chemical was first noted in the Second World War.
Sodium fluoroacetate is used as a rodenticide. Farmers and graziers use the poison to protect pastures and crops from various herbivorous mammals. It is used in New Zealand to control the Common Brushtail Possum , while in the United States it is used to kill coyotes. Other countries using 1080 include Australia, Mexico and Israel
Itis highly toxic to mammals and insects. The oral dose of fluoroacetate sufficient to be lethal in humans is 2–10 mg/kg.
Species have different susceptibility to sodium fluoroacetate due to metabolic differences. The New Zealand Food Authority established lethal doses for a number of species.Dogs, cats and pigs appear to be the species most susceptable to poisoning."
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